Stanzas of the vegetable flood
"It would have been better:
a here and elsewhere without men ,
a dawn of ferns on the low tide rocks
and a few poets for each territory "

The nomination (since 2015) was proposed by the Spanish section of PEN Club International and refers to Benozz'o's conception of poetry as a performative and not just a written activity, and to the attention paid to the poetic-artistic expressions of the native oral communities
Article in the "Corriere della Sera" Bologna
Second article in the "Corriere della Sera" Bologna
Article in the "Gazzetta di Modena"
Article in "Il Resto del Carlino"
Article in the Swedish magazine "Författaren", the official organ of Swedish writers
Article on the fifth year of Nobel nomination, "Corriere della Sera" Bologna
The announcement of the nomination in English
Article on the Italian candidates for the Nobel
Interview on "Paper Rooms"

Rare, bare, liquefied, purplish
discordant, secret, incompatible
stained by ferrous rivulets
of dawn, of the forest, of the swamp, from afar
rare, purplish plant flood
here beside my steps - layers of snow -
I speak in the air, I hint, I cover myself in blue
nothing can disturb this disorder anymore
without a past, without waiting thresholds
Onirico geologico
The only thing I know is poetry:
unexpected hailstorm that devastates
slaughter of whales - red sea -
syllables-harpoons to beach the habit
ferns in revolt at the borders of the villages.
Ferns in revolt